Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Stinkin' Cute

mE: qUInCeY, How DId YOu Get tO Be sO sTiNkiN' CuTE?

QUiNcEY: I NoT StinK. i JUsT TutE!


  1. She should have said, "I am just a tute!" lol. Love her.

  2. She is such a funny cutie! As all your kids are darling! My computer doesn't work so well so I've missed your latest blogs and they are awesome! I love your pictures!! Good thinking with the policeman to get her to be safe, and I completely agree about life being fragile. You see a lot of sad things in the medical field that is beyond their control... except One's control... and it reminds you life is very short, precious and fragile. Cute blogs and picts!!
