I realized today, we are at the beginning of the kids' lives getting busier and I have taken this special, exclusive time of "just us" for granted. *sad*
Tonight, Luke made our together time fun. He does that a lot. He pulled out his "DARK TOWER" game that he has had since he was 9 or 10! We're talking like 27 years old!! ANCIENT!! Sorry honey.
The batteries had been left in it and leaked. It put up quite a fight, but we got it working. Usually bedtime is bedtime, but the game wasn't over yet. An hour and a half later (10:00pm-the game was even longer than that), it finally ended. Luckily the kids had napped, but still!! Hopefully we won't pay for our fun tomorrow - ie temper tantrums, etc - oh, and I hope the kids act okay too! :)
Emma's the winner!!
Thanks for a fun evening, Daddy!
*yawn* "goodnight"